“The future is mobile” – Eric Schmidt
Indeed! And now that we’re head over heels with our smartphones and tablet PCs, and when desktop and laptop sales have already started plummeting (as noted from Q 2 figures) with an exceptional rise in smartphone and tablet sale worldwide, we have more reasons to agree with Google’s Chairman.
See the Big Picture
So what about your business? If your website is all that you bank upon to draw customers to your shop or business establishment, wouldn’t you be worried that sometime soon you would be seeing tell-tale signs of people not turning up on your website or ecommerce entities as they used to! Scary, isn’t it? But let me assure that you can improve ‘things’ and secure your future investments by developing a mobile version of your existing website or ecommerce domain. Responsive web design is the need of the day. You must make your website responsive in order to let your customers feel at ease when viewing your site on their mobile phones and tablets.
Why Go Mobile?
Here are 6 reasons why you must mobilize your website without delay –
1. By end of 2013, more people will use their mobile phones than their PCs to surf online
2. By 2015 every person on earth will have one mobile device
3. Mobile internet searches have grown 4 times since 2010 this year
4. 71 % of mobile internet users expect a website to load faster than desktop PCs
5. 67% users are more likely to shop online using their smartphones than desktops
6. 61% users opine that they quickly move to another site if a website loads too slowly on their mobile devices … and the list goes on.
(Source: Gartner, ComScore, Cisco studies 2010 – 2013)
What’s The Solution?
Opitimize your website for mobile devices. Easier said than done! You will require expert guidance for that matter. Get in touch with a reputable responsive website development company and mobilize your website for optimum viewing on all smartphone and tablet user interfaces. After all, customer is gold, go grab ‘em!